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COVID-19 - StaySafe Cleanliness & Hygiene Assessment

We recognise the enormous impact that COVID-19 has had on the hospitality sector globally. We are very aw

are that many guests are, and will continue to be, unsure about travel and staying away from home in the future. They will be wanting assurances from the travel & tourism sector it is safe to travel. Hotels will be expected to demonstrate they have taken steps to prevent the spread of COVID-19, and any other virus that may arise in the future.

We have seen many hotel groups announce new enhanced cleaning protocols, to hospital grade etc. However, our experience shows often what is announced at the high level of the corporate world does not find its way into the hotels far away from head office. Of course this is not always the case, but let us be realistic, it is the case in many situations.

Our Enhanced Cleaning & Hygiene Assessment & Certification program follows on from our very successful StaySafe Hospitality Risk Certification program. We provide hotels the tools to evaluate against our international standards (a mobile auditor application) and then verify this information before any certification of cleanliness is issued. We also insist on random swab test for the whole period of the certification program, we don't want standards to slip.

We are not making any bold claims here, however our externally verified certification program gives a high level confidence and trust to businesses and travellers that will be required as the new normal in hospitality from here on in.

You can download our brochure here, or visit our website or email directly at

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